Who Are The Horseless Carriage Club (HCC) Members?

Who Are The Horseless Carriage Club (HCC) Members?. . .

​HCC Members come from all walks of life and live in various areas of Louisisana, Mississippi, Texas, and even New York. Not all have antique vehicles, but all believe in the mission of the HCC (see below). We invite you to read our monthly newsletter KarKapers to get our up-to-date information and our upcoming activities.

  Incorporated as a non-profit in 1953, our general purposes, as outlined in our ByLaws are to:

​Assist in and encourage the preservation, restoration, maintenance, and use of antique vehicles;

Obtain, maintain and exchange records of the automobile industry pertaining and relative to veteran cars as set forth in books, catalogs, pamphlets, and/or any other media;

Promote interest in the collection of automotive accessories particularly those manufactured for motor vehicles in the early days; and

Generally provide facilities for the use of this information by its members or anyone else so interested.​

Meetings are held in the local New Orleans Metropolitan Area on the LAST THURSDAY of each month at locations identified by the membership and advertised in the KarKapers monthly newsletter. Changes in dates to accommodate conflicting holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Special Annual meetings such as our Installation Dinner, Garage Tour, Crawfish Boil, and Christmas Party are held at various locations selected by the Board or the membership.